Laurent Mannoni

Laurent Mannoni is the scientific director of heritage at the Conservatoire des Techniques de la Cinémathèque Française. Author of a doctorate thesis on the recording of movement in the 20th century, he has published nearly twenty books on archaeology and early cinema, including: Le Grand art de la lumière et de l’ombre, Paris, Nathan, 1994; Étienne-Jules Marey, la mémoire de l’œil, Milan-Paris, Mazzotta-Cinémathèque française, 1999; Lettres d’Étienne-Jules Marey à Georges Demenÿ (with Thierry Lefebvre and Jacques Malthête), Paris, AFRHC-BiFi, 2000; Mouvements de l’air, Étienne-Jules Marey photographe des fluides (with Georges Didi-Huberman), Paris, Gallimard, 2004; Histoire de la Cinémathèque française, Paris, Gallimard, 2006; L’Œuvre de Georges Méliès (with Jacques Malthête), Paris, Éditions de La Martinière, 2008; Lanterne magique et film peint (with Donata Pesenti Campagnoni), Paris, Éditions de La Martinière, 2009; Tournages, Paris – Berlin – Hollywood, 1910-1939 (with Isabelle Champion), Paris, Le Passage-La Cinémathèque française, 2010; Alice Guy, Léon Gaumont et les débuts du film sonore (with Maurice Gianati), Herts, John Libbey, 2012. He has directed a dozen exhibitions on these various subjects.


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