Born in Tokyo in 1962, all of Takashi Murakami’s work is inspired by popular Japanese imagery and vernacular. He studied at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and his works – sculptures, videos, paintings, graphic design or wallpapers – evoke the world of manga.
Although he initially wanted to become an animator, Murakami eventually turned to contemporary art, at the prompting of his friend Masato Nakamura. In 1993, he created the figure of Mr Dob, whom he referred to as his self-portrait, creating all kinds of variations of this character. Since 1995, he has directed a company for the production of artworks that was initially baptised the Hiropon Factory, and which is now known under the name of the Kaikai Kiki Corporation. Its goal is to promote the work of young Japanese artists.
A versatile artist, he worked in collaboration with the Louis Vuitton label in 2002, then with rapper Kanye West, in 2007. It was also in 2007 that the MOCA of Los Angeles devoted a retrospective to him. In 2010, he installed his pop-inspired sculptures in the Château de Versailles, a logical progression given that his approach consists of blurring the boundaries between ‘high’ and ‘lowbrow’ art.
Takashi Murakami is represented by the Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin in Paris.