Sylvie Meunier

Sylvie Meunier (b. 1973) is a visual artist whose practice is based on collecting anonymous photographs. For her, the image she finds is material for invention and a trigger for stories. Text, the privileged material of her work, intertwines with images to breathe new meaning into them. In this way, Sylvie Meunier creates stories that question both the photographic medium and literature. Her work takes many forms, including books and installations, which she regularly exhibits in France and abroad: Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, Festival Portrait(s) in Vichy, Les Photaumnales in Beauvais, MAP in Toulouse, Emergent in Lleida, Spain, Alwan 338 public art festival in Bahrain... In 2011, she founded the association Les Instantanés ordinaires, based on her research into amateur and anonymous photography. Sylvie Meunier lives and works in Sète, France.
Mister K


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