Jean-Christophe Bailly

A doctor of philosophy, Jean-Christophe Bailly is a writer, poet and essayist. He founded and directed the magazines Fin de siècle and Aléa and was the director of collections for Éditions Bourgois and Hazan. Jean-Christophe Bailly now teaches the history of landscape at the École Nationale Supérieure de la Nature et du Paysage in Blois (France). He is notably the author of Panoramiques (Bourgois, 2000), Le Versant animal (Bayard, 2007) translated into English and Japanese and Le Parti pris des animaux (Bourgois, 2013). His book Le Dépaysement (Seuil, 2011) won the Prix Décembre in 2011 and the Paris-Liège literary prize in 2012


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